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This blog post provides a guide on the initial setup for a Huawei Cloud Server. The post covers several key steps, including configuring users, SSH, Zsh, Docker, and an external network interface. Additionally, the post includes links to helpful resources for Linux user and permission management. The post also delves into SSH login configuration, port forwarding, and tunnelling. The author provides a step-by-step guide to installing Docker and corresponding containers. The post also includes instructions for configuring an external network interface and setting up a FRP server. Finally, the author provides a brief introduction to using NSSM to create a Windows service. This post is an excellent resource for anyone looking to get started with a Huawei Cloud Server and requires an initial setup.--GPT 4



本文介绍了如何将SpringBoot项目部署到Web服务器上。首先,需要改造项目以打包成war文件,包括修改pom.xml配置、添加servlet-api依赖、排除内置的tomcat干扰以及改造启动类。然后,使用mvn clean命令清除旧的包,并使用mvn package生成新的war包。最后,可以使用外部Tomcat运行该war文件,有两种方式:将war文件直接丢到Tomcat的webapps目录,或者使用Tomcat-conf-server.xml配置,使用target目录中war包解压的文件夹为项目地址进行部署。如果你是首次使用idea的docker插件部署war,可以参考本文提供的链接。通过本文的介绍,你可以了解如何将SpringBoot项目部署到Web服务器上,同时也会发现其中一些有趣的问题,例如如何排除内置的tomcat干扰以及如何使用docker插件来部署war文件等。--GPT 4

Java Docker Tomcat

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